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SFO Sports Season Schedule

Fall Sports
Registrations open mid-May (before school lets out)
Football, Soccer, Fall Volleyball, Cheer

Winter Sports
Registrations open mid-September

Spring Sports
Registrations open mid-January
Baseball, Softball, Tee-ball, Spring Volleyball



We will NOT know the game or practice schedule until after evaluations are completed on March 1st. We are unable to accommodate coach or carpool requests. 


Important dates:

  • TBD - Baseball / Softball Committee & Coaches Meeting at SFO Park (Possibly at Sherrills Ford/Terrell Library, depending on weather). 
  • 2/7/2025 midnight - Early Bird registration ends
  • 2/21/2025 midnight - ALL REGISTRATIONS END
  • 3/1/2025 - Evaluations (times TBD). Please remember if you did not upload your player's birth certificate, you must bring a copy to evaluations. Birth certificates are required by the league we play in.
  • 3/4/2025 - Practices begin
  • 4/5/2025 - First games - Pat Wimberly Memorial Tournament at Balls Creek Optimist


Birth Certificates:

All players are required to show a birth certificate in order to participate. It is a requirement of the league in which our teams play. You may upload upon registration into sports engine during the registration or you may show your child's original birth certificate to a member of the Softball/Baseball Committee for sign off.  Your child is ineligible to play if she does not receive sign off from a Softball/Baseball Committee Member.  This cannot be done by your coach.

Registration age is based on the age your child is as of January 1st of this year.  If a parent requests that their child be moved up a division this will only happen based on ability, numbers (not affecting the age group they are leaving), and softball committee approval.


SFO offers the following age groups for softball:

  • 8U: girls born between 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2017 WAIT LISTED - PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM
  • 10U: girls born between 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2015

    NOTE: Registrations MAY close early if registration goal numbers are met. A waiting list will be established and announced if this happens.

Registration Fees include the following:

  • jersey
  • one pair of pants
  • one pair of socks
  • belt
  • hat

Baseball / Softball Registration Fees

STANDARD REGISTRATION CLOSES 2/21/2025 at midnight: $150



Baseball / Tee-ball


We will NOT know the game or practice schedule until after evaluations are completed on March 1st. We are unable to accommodate coach or carpool requests. 

Important dates:

TBD - Baseball / Softball Committee & Coaches Meeting at SFO Park (Possibly at Sherrills Ford/Terrell Library, depending on weather). 

2/21/2025 midnight - ALL REGISTRATIONS END

3/1/2025 - Evaluations (times TBD). Please remember if you did not upload your player's birth certificate, you must bring a copy to evaluations. Birth certificates are required by the league we play in.

3/4/2025 - Practices begin

4/5/2025 - First games - Pat Wimberly Memorial Tournament at Balls Creek Optimist


Birth Certificates:

All players are required to show a birth certificate in order to participate this year.   You may upload upon registration into sports engine or you may show your child's original birth certificate to a member of the Softball/Baseball Committee for sign off.  Your child is ineligible to play if he/she does not receive sign off from a Softball/Baseball Committee Member.  This cannot be done by the coach.


Registration age is based on the age your child is as of May 1st of this year.  If a parent requests that their child be moved up a division this will only happen based on ability, numbers (not affecting the age group they are leaving), and baseball committee approval.


If an age group is wait listed, that means that we currently have exactly enough for a certain number of teams. When and if we get enough players on the wait list to complete an additional team,  you will be emailed to register. It costs nothing to add your child's name to the wait list. We only wait list to ensure that we keep teams at a manageable size and maximize playing time. 

SFO offers the following age groups:

  • T-ball: boys and girls born between 5/1/2018 and 4/30/2021
  • 8U: boys born between 5/1/2016 and 4/30/2018 
  • 10U: boys born between 5/1/2014 and 4/30/2016 
  • 12U: boys born between 5/1/2012 and 4/30/2014 WAIT LISTED - PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM

NOTE: Registrations MAY close early if registration goal numbers are met. A waiting list will be established and announced if this happens.

Registration Fees include the following:

  • jersey
  • one pair of pants
  • one pair of socks
  • belt
  • hat

Co-ed T-Ball Fees 

  • STANDARD REGISTRATION CLOSES 2/21/2025 at midnight: $100


Baseball / Softball Registration Fees

  • STANDARD REGISTRATION CLOSES 2/21/2025 at midnight: $150



All volleyball age groups are currently wait listed. Please fill out the wait list form. We will contact you directly when/if an opening is available.

Please use an email and phone number that YOU CHECK FREQUENTLY!

Spring Volleyball Registrations

Important Notices - Read Before Registering

Account Balance

If you have a balance on your account because you failed to fulfill volunteer requirements from another sport, your child WILL NOT be placed on a team until the balance is paid. 


Volunteer Requirements
We can't do it without you! Due to the complexity and time to run a sport the size of volleyball, we will be requiring each family to provide two hours of volunteer time per player. If this is not a possibility, you can pay a $60 fee to opt out. This fee will be used to pay someone to do the work a volunteer would normally do. 


Gate Fee
Once games begin, a nominal gate fee is charged to help cover the costs of facility rental. It is charged at every game. 

Volleyball is for girls in school grades 3 - 12. Registration for this season will be open until February 21, 2025. Registration may close early if all spots are filled. There are 60 spots for each age division. 

Early bird: closes February 7, 2025 -- $90

Regular registration: closes February 21, 2025 -- $100

Registration includes a game jersey. It does not include knee pads or volleyball shorts. 

All games and practices are in the gymnasium at Sherrills Ford Elementary School.  The address is 8103 Sherrills Ford Rd. Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673. 

Important Dates:

  • Evaluation Dates: March 3, 4, 6, 7 (JV 6:30-7:30pm, Varsity 7:30 - 8:30pm)
  • Camp with Cheznee: Date TBD
  • Practice Start/End Dates: March 10 first practice, May 8 last practice (JV 6:30 - 7:30pm, Varsity 7:30 - 8:30pm)
  • Games Start Date: April 5 (Friday evenings 6:30 - 8:30pm and Saturday mornings 8am - 2pm)
  • Tournament Week: May 13-17
  • Banquets: Varsity - May 18 (1-4pm), JV - May 19 (6-8pm)

Volleyball is for girls in school grades 3 - 12. Please register using the grade your player will be in the Spring of 2025


Junior Varsity: grades 3 - 6  WAITLISTED - PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM. 
Varsity: grades 7 - 12   WAITLISTED - PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM. 


registration open by invite only for those next on the wait list


How to be an SFO Sponsor

Sherrills Ford Optimist is actively recruiting companies, groups, churches, and/or individuals to be sponsors for our Park. Please visit the Sponsorship page to see the levels available and to see the benefits of each level.  There is also a link to a form on that page where you select a sponsorship package, provide your company information, and pay all in one simple step. 

Donate to the Park

Sherrills Ford Optimist is a 501 (c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible. We welcome all donations and a receipt can be provided to you upon request. 

Use the "Donate" button below to donate via Paypal or send a check made out to Sherrills Ford Optimist to: 

Sherrills Ford Optimist

P.O. Box  32

Sherrills Ford, NC 28673

Questions about donations?  Send an email to

Sherrills Ford Optimist Club

Sherrills Ford Optimist is the place for youth sports in Eastern Catawba County. We have been serving the youth and families of our area since 1975. For full details on the sports we offer, check out the sections below divided by sports season.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive notifications when registrations open!

Our park is operated 100% through volunteers, and we rely on fundraisers and sponsorships to keep our park operating for the youth in our community. Please see below if you are interested in donating to the park. For volunteer opportunities, please click here

For more information about ways to get involved, or to send an idea to our Board of Directors, please email

More than 1,200 youth participate in our athletic activities each year.

Visit Us! Sherrills Ford Optimist Park

1752 Mollys Backbone Rd, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673

Phone: 828-979-6481